Emergency Care is the immediate medical treatment provided at the beginning of unpleasant medical condition or injury. We have highly renowned and experienced Consultant Physicians and Nursing Staffs and Physician Assistants whospecialise in providing prompt care for critically ill patients of all ages. The Emergency Department is a single-stop facility with a full spectrum of services. The department provides treatment for a wide range of conditions – traffic accidents, burns, poisonings, acute medical emergencies like heart attacks and strokes.
We offer 24*7 medical emergency ambulance services

We always adopt the below steps of care for Emergency Patients
1. Triage
It’s the preliminary assessment of patients so as to determine the urgency of their need for treatment and the nature of treatment required. Our well trained Emergency care professionals prioritize and sort the patients based on their severity conditions.
2. Registration
Registration is an important step to help professionals understand your existing situation better. If the medical records are available in our/other hospital, then it will make it easier for them to find it and reconcile the data with your current situation.
The registration process is also the way that the hospital will get your consent for any treatment. In the form , you will be able to indicate your insurance details, your emergency contacts, and so on
3. Treatment
Every patient who comes to the Emergency Department receives appropriate treatment from a qualified physician. A nurse or technician may also record your vitals and other imaging tests before a physician sees you. Test results help emergency medicine physicians assess your condition. The results could be available within one to two hours, while you are in the ED. However, we will have to wait for more than 2 hours for some test results to be received.
4. Re-evaluation
An ED physician will re-evaluate your condition after they receive your test results because the results may give them additional insights into the type of treatment you need.
Our other main job is to keep you healthy long after you’ve left the ED. All patients receive written home-care instructions to follow when discharged. The instructions explain how you can safely care for your wound or illness, directions for your prescribed medications and recommendations for follow-ups. It is important to completely understand all the instructions.
Once the patient is stabilized, he is taken to the adjacent room for removal of all traces of dirt and infection and subsequently brought back to the Room for examination, diagnosis and treatment. Depending on the degree of injury sustained, action is taken without any loss of time. A patient with minor injuries is moved to the suture room; one that requires careful monitoring is moved to the ICU and those in need of critical surgeries are shifted to the fully equipped Emergency Operation Theatre for immediate treatment. This department has 8 beds, are used to revive cardiac arrests, seriously injured accident victims and other life – threatening conditions. It is backed up by the entire range of diagnostic and treatment facilities, from round the clock laboratory services, blood bank, ECG, X-Rays Ultrasound and CT scans. All basic and specialized consultancy services are provided by our trained panel of doctors.
All emergencies are seen on a walk-in basis. However, the approach to patients is on the principle of “most harmful goes first” and not “first come first served”.
When and why should I visit EMR?
o Breathing Difficulties o A cut that needs stitches. o Severe allergic reactions o Severe or recurring Abdominal pain. o High Fever/Cold. o Sore Throat o Ear Pain. o Spurting Blood o Severe Headache o Vomiting and Diarrhea. o Worsening of an existing condition, such as mild to moderate asthma. o High/Very Low blood pressure. o Routine injuries, such as sprained ankles and back problems. o Simple broken bones. o A non-life-threatening accident or fall.
Note : Please don’t ignore consulting Doctors for any abnormal conditions and don’t try to treat by yourselves at home itself. Early detection of any disease is always curable as we are aware.