New Paediatric division of St. Thomas Hospital started on 06.10.2006 functions in a new building finished by HEVO Foundation. We have developed a lot of greenery around the building for children to get a pleasant feeling.
We have provided lot of place for playing for those children who are not very much sick. The paediatric division is managed by paediatricians with 40 years of experience. Two paediatric surgeons are there to take care of the surgical problems. Emergencies are attended throughout the day at emergency room.
About 50 children are treated every day as outpatient.

We are having an occupational therapy unit functioning in one wing managed by two occupational therapists, speech Therapist and a special education.
On an average 20 children are given therapy for various problems like autistic spectrum disorders, sensory integration problems, ADHD learning disorders etc. A special educator is taking care of children with educational problems like learning disorder and slow learning.We have been conducting national children health programmes like breast feeding week, pulse polio for polio eradication, epilepsy day etc. Our nurses periodically conduct educational programmes for parents on various health issues like nutrition, hygiene, early detection of sick babies etc. Our division is utilized for training student nurses of the nursing school attached to the St. Thomas Hospital.
In-patient services starts with newborn care. All the high risk deliveries are attended by the paediatrician and they are closely followed up throughout the Neonatal period. New born problems are picked up very early and managed accordingly. Exclusive breast feeding insisted, encouraged and practiced rigorously.
On an average 10-15 children get inpatient care. These children are taken care by well trained nurses. All the children get top quality care at affordable cost with tender loving care from doctors and nurses.
Paediatrics medicine experts are actively involved in a well baby clinic and immunizations. All the national immunizations programs are supported by the Hospital. Facilities include Incubators, Monitors, and Pulse Oxymeters. The Paediatric department is attached with Neuro-development Occupational Therapy.
We are committed to easing of children and their parents while providing the best care, service and support to make their visit as comfortable as possible.

Department of pediatric surgery caters to infants to 16 years and services provided include General pediatric surgery pediatric urology laparoscopic surgery and pediatric cancer surgery