Intensive Care Unit in St. Thomas Hospital treats the patient with the most severe and lifethreatening illness and sickest of sick, which requires constant close monitoring. Patients are closely monitored by the doctors and critical nurses 24/7, who specialize in caring seriously ill patients.
At St. Thomas Hospital, there is a team of critical care specialists and Physicians who are always involved in taking care of the emergency needs of the patients. They work round the clock so that critical attention is always available for critically ill patients.In case of referrals, the respective specialists opinion , consultation and intervention are obtained for the patients at regular intervals to monitor them periodically and ensure for a speedy recovery.

St. Thomas Hospital ICU is fully equipped with state of the art ventilators, pacemakers, defibrillators, dialysis equipment, equipment for the constant monitoring of vital organs.
Biomedical team performs daily routine maintenance and calibration of all the ICU monitors and equipments.
Our ICU is equipped with the latest POCT - point of care testing for Blood gas Analysis, Cardiac enzymes and markers like Troponin- I , NT pro BNP etc ., and
also equipped with POCUS - Point of care Ultrasound and echo for bedside screening and assessment of critically ill patients.
POCT and POCUS helps in early diagnosis and treatment thereby reducing the time window , and the door to needle time, for initiating emergency treatment and interventions , reducing overall mortality rates