In Inpatient services, both acute and chronic neurological diseases are treated by Neurologist and supported by Intensive care unit and other Speciality departments. Acute neurological conditions like Stroke due to blood vessel occlusion and bleeding, Seizure, GUILLAIN BARRE SYNDROME, MIGRAINE HEADACHE,Acute CNS INFECTIONS and HEAD & SPINE TRAUMA cases are treated through EMERGENCY CARE SERVICES AND INTENSIVE CARE UNIT .Similarly Chronic neurological conditions like neck and back pain, Peripheral neuropathy, Neuro degenerative conditions like Alzheimer dementia, Vascular dementia etc and movement disorders like Parkinson disease, tremors , chorea,dystoniaetc are managed with appropriate investigation and treatment.

In Outpatient services, both acute and chronic neurological diseases are examined by Neurologist and treated appropriately after relevant investigations.Neurology department provides diagnostic services through Neuroelectrophysiology lab..
ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM (EEG), NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES, EVOKED POTENTIAL STUDIES are done. CT SCAN in our hospital is useful in the acute management of Stroke patients and Head injury and trauma cases.Physiotherapy department provides care for Neurology patients in the management of pain relief, mobilization after Stroke and Brain and spine trauma.
In our department we are having exclusive neurosurgical operation theatre with all the modern neurosurgical equipments like operating microscope and C-Arm.The following Neuro Surgical facilities are available:
* Craniotomy & Evacuation of haematomas (EDH, SDH, ICH)
* Excision of Brain Tumours
* Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt
* CSF Rhinorrhea Repair
* Cranioplasty
* C.P Angle Tumour Excision
* Micro vascular Decompression for Trigeminal Neuralgia
* C.V. Junction Surgeries.
* Spinal Cord Tumour Excision
* Disectomy and Spinal fusion surgeries
Every healthcare service in our hospital is selfless and service-oriented.