The Dental Department at St. Thomas Hospital started its functioning in full fledged manner from May 1979 rendering the services to all categories of people. It has grown from a humble way to what it is present now. It was started from a family dentistry to a Multi Specialty treatment.
This specialty deals with Jaws, Mouth, Face, Teeth & its surrounding structures. The Department provides care and support to people. We have an unique policy of treating even high-risk patients with medical problems like diabetes and hypertension. We perform oral surgery and treatments, with sedation for anxious and nervous patients and Dental treatment for medically compromised and mentally disabled patients.

The specialties are as follows
Intra Maxillary Fixation, Orthognothic Surgery, Removal of all Tumours etc.Prosthodontia–Construction of Partial Dentures, Full Dentures, Ceramic Crown, and Metal Crowned, etc.
Correction of Misaligned teeth for Aesthetics (appearance)
All types of treatment for children below the age of 12 years Endodontia–Root Canal theraphy & Apical cyst, Enucleation Surgery.
Various Diagnostics features and Radiological Study.
Every healthcare service in our hospital is selfless and service-oriented.