The Department of Laboratory Medicine performs a wide range of diagnostic tests for both inpatients and outpatients. The laboratory has witnessed rapid advancements in the last few decades with new breakthrough in diagnostic procedures, analytical techniques, tools and technology. All these developments have made rapid and accurate diagnosis possible today.

The Department of Haematology: St. Thomas Hospital laboratory has a tie-up with bio rad (for IQC) and AIIMS (EQAS), the world leaders in quality control programme. The Haematology section of the laboratory is very well equipped with state-of-the-art automated instruments. Even routine blood counts are performed on highly sophisticated automated cell counters which provide numerous parameters on every single sample.
Quality control procedures are an important daily activity. The laboratory strives to combine the best of highly specialized and skilled technicians and automation, to provide the best for the patient, in terms of accurate and precise results, within a reasonable timeframe. St. Thomas Hospital laboratory has a tie-up with Randox and EQAS, the world leaders in quality control program.
The Department of Biochemistry:
The biochemistry section is a new generation laboratory, fully equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technology. Analyses of serum and other body fluids are measured like routine and specific assays of proteins in serum, urine and cerebrospinal fluid and other body fluids. The laboratory accepts that requests and aims for a rapid turn-around time on all samples.
Immunology section performs hormonal and other non-infectious assays using Chemiluminiscent Immunoassay (CLIA), Enzyme – linked Immunosorbent (ELISA) assays.The department is equipped with clinical chemistry auto analyzer, blood gas analyzer, electrolyte analyzer, cardiac reader and immunology analyzer among other hi-tech devices. St. Thomas Hospital laboratory has a tie-up with Randox and IQC, the world leaders in quality control programme.
The Department of Microbiology:
Microbiology section of the laboratory provides state-of-art services for diagnosis of infectious diseases – bacterial, mycobacterium, and fungal, parasitic and viral infections. Serological investigations to determine the antibody/antigens of HIV, HBV, HCV, Dengue, Leptospira, and Cryptococcus etc. are performed besides routine tests like Widal, RA, and ASO etc. St. Thomas Hospital laboratory has a tie-up with CMC Vellore , the leaders in quality control programme in south India.
The Department of Transfusion Medicine:
The Department of Transfusion Medicine in St. Thomas Hospital is located at second floor and in close proximity to the emergency services, operation theatres and Intensive Care Unit and wards. Transfusion Medicine is a multidisciplinary area concerned with the optimum use of blood / blood products for the treatment of human diseases.
Blood and Blood products offered by Department of Transfusion Medicine are:
Our mission is to make available appropriate adequate quantity and high quality of safe blood / blood products. We adhere to quality norms and focus on donor satisfaction.
Our goals are to annihilate the scarcity for blood and ensure availability of safe blood / blood products 24 x 7 and to motivate and maintain a permanent well-indexed record of voluntary blood donors.
The Department of Transfusion Medicine is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, which enables use of advanced techniques for processing/screening of blood and its components. All mandatory screening for the transfusion transmissible diseases like HIV1 and/or HIV2, HBV, HCV, syphilis and malaria parasite are done. The risk of transmitting infection agents in blood / blood products, including HIV, is present. Our careful donor selection and accurate performance of the best available laboratory tests do not eliminate this hazard.
We firmly believe that merely issuing of blood / blood products is not the end of our responsibility. The safe infusion of these products and their clinical benefit for the patient is our ultimate aim.
Availability of machines such as Cell Separator allows us to harvest specific blood components in pure form and in large quantities from a ‘single’ donor. The Department of Transfusion Medicine will also promote and make available Autologus Transfusion.
. Red Cell concentrate
. Red Cell Concentrate with additive solution
. Leucoreduced red cells
. Saline washed Red Cell Concentrate
. Platelet Concentrate
. Apheresis Platelet ( Single Donor Platelets)
. Fresh Frozen Plasma
. Cryoprecipitate
The Department of Histopathology:
Histopathology section of the laboratory provides services for routine processing of all surgical and cytological (both gynaecological and non-gynaecological) specimens. All body fluids (including CSF of low volume and cellularity) are processed in a Cytospin, which prepares concentrated smears of good quality, facilitating in accurate diagnosis on microscopy. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is performed in the laboratory on superficial, palpable swellings and reported promptly, on a daily basis. Image-guided cytological aspirates of deep-seated lesions as well as Pap smears are also processed. The Histopro Microwave processor is available for urgent processing of biopsies, improving the turn- around time and avoiding delay in treatment.
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